Coaches TEMSA
Euro 5
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Euro 5
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Temsa Tourmalin/64 miejsca/Euro 5
20103000153 kmEuro 5Number of seats: 64
Poland, ul. Warszawska 31
96-321 Nowa Bukówka/Warszawa
Published: 2d
18 510EUR
Price excl. VAT
- ≈ 20 241 USD
- ≈ 15 511 GBP
20103000153 kmEuro 5Number of seats: 64
Poland, ul. Warszawska 31
96-321 Nowa Bukówka/Warszawa
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Temsa MD 9
2013343308 kmEuro 5Number of seats: 34
Germany, Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 7, DE-95369 Untersteinach bei Kulmbach, Germany
Published: 1mo 2dReference number 10787
59 000EUR
- ≈ 64 520 USD
- ≈ 49 442 GBP
2013343308 kmEuro 5Number of seats: 34
Germany, Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 7, DE-95369 Untersteinach bei Kulmbach, Germany
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